You want a break from holding it all together.

You want grace in your real life, but it feels hard to come by. You hold a color-coded planner in one hand, a book in the other, and your earbuds are blaring out another podcast. You feel as if you’re doing too much and not enough all at the same time. Doing All The Things makes you so happy, but it’s wearing you out.

I help try-hard girls just like you. 


As an Enneagram Type Three who loves work, often puts tasks before people, and relishes checking items off her always-evolving to-do list, I understand the allure of doing more and trying harder. I also know that as successful as you may feel on the outside, there’s a part of you crying out on the inside. I’ve struggled to be a good mom and wife at home, burned myself out at work, and told my heart-full-of-feelings to sit down and be quiet because there’s too much work to be done. 


Maybe you’ve felt the same. You want your faith to intersect with your busy and full life. And I’m here to be your online cheerleader, pointing you back to Jesus and the grace He offers. 

Because I’ve lived the other way: the way of hustle, to-do lists, never quitting even if it killed me, and of feeling less-than and never-enough, all while having an inner critic shouting in my ear that someone else could do all this better. 

It’s exhausting right?!

I write and speak because we don’t have to follow the rules of the try-hard world we live in. We don’t have to keep adding responsibilities to our plates. We don’t have to resist rest. We don’t have to get all our work done before we can experience joy. 

We can rest in who God says He is and who we are.

Grace says we can try and fail and still be loved.
Grace says we don’t have to play the comparison game.
Grace says we are free.
Grace says shame is not ours to carry and our inner critic is a voice that needs to simmer down.
Grace says we can work really hard but are value was pre-determined before we checked off one task today. 

feelings, emotions, Christmas, stress, overwhelm, disappointed, holidays

My words about grace aren’t limited to my corner of the internet, although I do love it here with you. You can also find me a few other places:

You’ll find my writing on:

  • RELEVANT Magazine
  • Undeniably God Ministries

You can pick up this book:

(I’m an Amazon Affiliate, which means I earn a bit of commission on each sale.)

Sister, Walk in Truth compiled by Chrystan Ferrell

When I’m not busy working on my words, you can catch me:

Reading books, listening to podcasts, loving on my people, and eating sprinkles. For real, I eat sprinkles on my oatmeal for breakfast and my homemade ice cream at night.


Five super-random facts you may not know about me:

  1. I’ve worked for Major League Baseball, higher education, trucking, health care, and children’s ministry before becoming a writer.
  2. My husband Ryan and I are high school sweethearts.
  3. Our two girls were born 18 months apart, so yeah, that was rough.
  4. If I could, I’d wear a black turtleneck and jeans every day, a la Steve Jobs. But that might be weird.
  5. I’m glad I live in Texas because eating chips and salsa every day is a way of life. This, my friends, is not an exaggeration.

What others say about my words + podcast

“Listening to your podcast is like bathing my spirit and soul. It’s a caring and empowering stillness in all the best ways. You invite us to go in peace and do good things…ALWAYS look forward to the next one.”  – Becky

“After I read your blog, I gave myself permission to stop measuring my day or my life by my productivity. Before, I measured my worth by how much I got done during the day. Now, I allow myself more self-care and rest.” – Nina

I enjoy the way you portray things in your podcast. You’re like the friend I wish I had in my neighborhood.” – Claudia

Statement of faith

I believe that God is displayed in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God, born of a virgin, fully-God and fully-man, who lived, was crucified, died, and was buried the third day according to the Scriptures.

I believe that Jesus rose again.

I believe that salvation is found in Christ alone, a gift of mercy and grace, not based on merit or performance.

I believe that the Bible is God’s inerrant, infallible, and inspired word of God and is useful for teaching, training, rebuking, and correcting.

I believe that every single person made was created in the image of God.

I believe that Jesus loves you like crazy.


So friends, if you’re a fellow try-hard girl, let’s get started. Just grab your free Enneagram ebook that dives into how God wired you!
