INSIDE: Learn how to receive God’s grace, three reasons you might reject, and three phrases to put on repeat to live a grace-filled life. Listen in to Episode 154.

God’s grace is for the perfectionists, the ones who feel like they don’t belong, the ones who hate being vulnerable, and the ones who find their worth in metrics and knowledge.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn

  • how to receive God’s grace, 
  • three reasons you might reject, 
  • and three phrases to put on repeat to live a grace-filled life

Grace may look like:

  • A great fish
  • A kind text from a friend
  • A job when your bank account reaches 0
  • The defiant act of believing what God says about you is true
  • Or the loss of a really good thing, so your hands are free to receive God’s next really good thing.

God’s grace is amazing. Here’s how to receive God’s grace. 

When I live in un-grace, I:

  • Have a low tolerance for mistakes, my mistakes, and the mistakes of others
  • Feel tightly wound
  • Suffer from hamster-wheel heart
  • I’m defensive and critical
  • I keep score: Well, I did this, this and this around the house, and Ryan only did that.

But when I live in grace, I:

  • Accept my humanity – I don’t get super flustered about my mistakes
  • Have clarity about who I am and what I’m called to do
  • Know how to count, meaning I don’t discount what I’m doing, the difference I’m making, or where I’m serving. Our enemy wants us bad at math.
  • Have agency. I don’t blame others. I have the power to act. I’m not helpless.

Where would you say you live: in grace or in un-grace? Does grace feel more natural to you, or does the ungracious life seem more like home?

Three reasons we reject grace

  1. Your messy past means you’re not worthy of grace
  2. You don’t need grace because grace is for slackers. You’re not a slacker; you follow all the rules.
  3. Or maybe he’s got you believing that grace is God’s gift for others but not for you.

Here are three truths you can put on repeat to live a grace-filled life:

  • I am a rookie. 
  • I am a human. 
  • God is trustworthy in all things. 

In today’s episode, you’ll learn

  • what God’s grace means, 
  • why you reject God’s grace, 
  • how faulty views of God impact your heart, 
  • and how to receive grace in a storm.

Quotes about how to receive God’s grace

  • God is grace, and He offers Himself to you.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • “Grace is yours for the taking. – Jill E. McCormick
  • “Grace has been our only hope all along, but sometimes, we only see it that way through the lens of storms and hardship and coming to the end of ourselves.”- Jill E. McCormick
  • Where would you say you live: in grace or in un-grace? Does grace feel more natural to you, or does the ungracious life seem more like home? – Jill E. McCormick
  • “Your past does not define you. God’s love defines you. Your position as a woman after God’s own heart defines you. Friend, hold tightly to God’s hand, for it is mighty to save and has your name written on it.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • “At the most fundamental level, to receive grace is to receive Jesus.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • “Friend, you’re a human. So you’ll make mistakes. It’s okay because you’re a friend of the God who never makes mistakes, and He’s got your back.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • “God is trustworthy, which means you don’t have to hold your life together.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • “The Lord is faithful and just to wrap His great, big, heavenly, sovereign, always-open arms around you, and say, ‘Oh, my girl! Here you are! I’m so glad you’re with me. I’ve been waiting especially for you.’” – Jill E. McCormick

If you’d like to learn more about how to receive God’s grace, go here:

As Mentioned in the Podcast

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how to receive God's grace how to receive God's grace how to receive God's grace