INSIDE: What does it mean to take up space? Do you have a fear of taking up space? Do you want to be seen as low maintenance? Listen in.

Taking up space means to be more than furniture; to be human. In the words of Pinocchio to be “a real boy.” It means to kindly and directly – without apology or embarrassment – share needs, wants, preferences, and dreams.

Friends, God created you to take up space. 

We are allowed to take up space. To be human means that our physical body, emotions, thoughts, and spirit take up space. It is impossible to be a human and not take up square footage. Taking up space is part of God’s design.

So when you fear taking up space, it means you fear sharing what troubles and worries rumble in your heart, or what gifts and work light you up. Fearing taking up space might come out in phrases like, “Whatever is easiest for you” or “Oh, I don’t care” when you really do care. 

In terms of how we feel about taking up space, we fall into one of three buckets.

  1. “It’s natural” bucket
  2. “It’s uncomfortable” bucket
  3. “It’s totally fine, but then when I do, I regret it” bucket

No matter what bucket you fall into, you may fear taking up space because:

  • You’ve done it in the past; it didn’t go well, so you vowed never to do it again.
  • Or you’ve misunderstood scripture about what it means to deny and die to self,
  • Or you desperately do not want to be seen as selfish.

Our enemy has done a heck of a job convincing God’s girls that taking up space is a bad thing.

In today’s episode, you’ll receive practical strategies and anchoring truths for remembering grace overcomes fear and that you do not need to fear taking up space. You’ll learn:

  • what it means to take up space,
  • how you feel about taking up space,
  • why you fear taking up space,
  • and what God says.

Quotes about when you fear taking up space

  • Our enemy has done a heck of a job convincing God’s girls that taking up space is a bad thing.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • Your emotions take up space. Your wants and desires take up space. Taking up space is part of being human.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • Friend, if you fear taking up space because you believe it’s the opposite of denying yourself and dying to self, may I release you from that? Your very self is important to Jesus. ” – Jill E. McCormick
  • Taking up space is part of God’s design.” – Jill E. McCormick

Mentioned in the podcast

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Resources that weren’t directly quoted but influenced this episode

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when you fear sharing your needs, emotions, and dreamsQuote. fear of taking up space. Quote. very self Quote. taking up space is divine design when you prefer to be low maintenance when you fear you are too much