INSIDE: Have you ever wondered how to have peace with God? Or how you can live in peace with others? If your life lacks peace and you’re looking for encouragement, listen in. 

In today’s Advent episode, we take a look at what it means to be at peace with God and others.

How to have peace with God

Once sin entered the world, we humans were at war with God. Not that God was at war with us, but that we chose our way over His, our thoughts over His, our agenda over His. And there was no peace in the hearts of people.

So, God, in His goodness, made a way for peace to be restored between us. The Lord’s plan since Genesis 3:15 is to reconcile us to Himself through His Son. His Son, Jesus, came at just the right time in history. He was born to the right parents In the right town with just the right visitors: shepherds and wise men. 

Our Savior was placed in a cradle by His mother and sent to the cross by His Father at just the perfect time.

Jesus’s birth is tied to blessing. His blessing is found in His death and resurrection. And in His salvation, we find our peace. For those who know Jesus as their Savior, we are now at peace with God. 

How can we live in peace with others?

But I wonder if there is someone in your life with whom you are not at peace. Is there anyone who you need to forgive just as Christ forgave you? Is there a peace you may give your heart by extending forgiveness, even if only you and Jesus know it, even if reconciliation is not possible or wanted?

I wonder if the most precious gift Jesus wants to give you this Advent is the peace that comes from forgiving someone who hurt you. What might it look like for your soul to exhale knowing that it need not hold on to bitterness or a list of wrongs? What if the freedom and joy you long for are found in the unnatural, defiant act of forgiving another image-bearer?

How to have peace with God and others Quotes

  • Christ has come. Salvation is here. Reconciliation is received. Peace is now our inheritance. – Jill E. McCormick
  • “I wonder if the most precious gift Jesus wants to give you this Advent is the peace that comes from forgiving someone who hurt you.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • “We have peace because we are confident in the character of our Creator.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • “We also find peace because the Lord is as just as He says He is.– Jill E. McCormick
  • “Our Savior was placed in a cradle by His mother and sent to the cross by His Father at just the perfect time.” – Jill E. McCormick

As Mentioned in the Podcast

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