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#103: Living in hope when you feel like you’re not meeting your own standards with Kristina Ward

kristina ward, imperfection, perfectionism, skill set

If you’ve ever felt like “lowering your standards” was a four-letter word, you simply could not fail, or if you’ve felt resentful when your parenting/work/marriage isn’t progressing as you planned, listen in to writer Kristina Ward point you back to Christ. Writer Kristina Ward tackles the frustration we feel when we aren’t meeting our own […]

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#100: Spiritual Health: Imitating Christ as we suffer with author K.J. Ramsey

spiritual discipline, grace, suffering, K.J. Ramsey

How do we encounter our suffering without rushing ourselves through to God’s goodness? What is self-sufficiency really? How can we show our “honest sadness” to others?  Author K.J. Ramsey answers these questions and more in the fourth episode of our Spiritual Health series. Through this series, we’ll walk through 5 spiritual disciplines:  Studying the Bible with […]

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