All feels new, full of potential and hope at this time of year. And yet… as grown-ups we know not much is magically different by the turning of a calendar page. Our hearts long for new: to learn new truths, to act in a new + more healthy way, to try something new because we are alive + because we can.

Simply put: We want to approach the new year with grace.

We want to be kind + compassionate toward our own hearts. We do not want to demand with stomping feet that this new year must act or behave a certain way. We want to accept our own humanity, knowing that trying, failing, and trying again is what it means to be alive + whole.

We want to be grace bottled in skin.

So how do we do this in real life? What does it look like to embody grace as you enter a new year with hope and a little bit of peeking at it through fingers over your eyes? I’m so glad you asked. I’ve compiled my 13 favorite resources to help you approach this new year with grace.

Let’s get back to the fundamentals

When you’re ready to set goals and hit the “refresh” button

When you walk into the new year tired

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