How can we live in grace after day 900 in lockdown or quarantine or shelter-in-place or crisis-homeschooling or whatever we’re calling this now? What does grace in real life look like when you’re struggling, worn out, and worried?


You, my sweet friend, are allowed to be human. 

You’re allowed to grow, try new things, struggle, feel your feelings, get tired, re-evaluate, and rest. 

And the beautiful part is that God understands your humanity and walks alongside you to work on your behalf. God isn’t surprised that you feel overwhelmed, insufficient, and small. His divinity meets your humanity so you are strong and complete in Him alone. 

In case you ever believe that you are to be more than you are: remember God didn’t create productivity machines, worker bees, or doormats. 

God created art. 

He wrote stories. 

He breathed masterpieces. 

He made you. And you are a human try-hard girl. 

You, sweet friend, are also allowed to be God’s girl.

But how can we be children when we are grown-ups? What does it look like to be a child in the presence of God even as we’re adults in real life?

Kids trust their parents and share their needs.

Sweet friend, you are free to be both a flawed human AND a child of God. 

You are a fearfully-made woman in the midst of a crazy time who has a Father who presides over an unshakeable kingdom and sits on the approachable throne of grace.  

You can release the anxiety, lay down the weariness, and bring all of you to the Father who knows you best and loves you most.

Key Quotes

You are free to be both a flawed human AND a child of God. 

You are a fearfully-made woman in the midst of a crazy time who has a Father who presides over an unshakeable kingdom and sits on the approachable throne of grace.

Related Episode

Episode 5: Three mindsets to live grace in real life

Here’s how to connect

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