How does the gospel — the good news of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension — intersect with our real life? What impact does Jesus have in our daily life? How does Jesus make any difference in the roles we play as moms, sisters, friends, employees, and volunteers?

Jesus rescues us from sin and ourselves.

Sin separates you from God and demands a payment you have no ability to pay.

In addition to sin, you have other enemies that weigh you down and wear you out. Perhaps your enemy is:

Jesus acted on our cries to rescue us.

God gets angry when you — His precious daughter — are surrounded by evil that hurts and oppresses your heart. He moved on your behalf and He did all the work to save you. Your salvation is secure. No one can pluck you from God’s hand. And out of His riches, He gives you grace upon grace.

God gives you grace and He delights in you.

So friend, you know that at your weakest, when you felt most surrounded, you cried out. God heard you. And He rescued you. 

God actively brings you to a beautiful broad place. God is delighted in you.

Key Quotes

God gives you grace when you want a checklist.

God moved on your behalf and He did all the work to save you.

God gets angry when you — His precious daughter — are surrounded by evil that hurts and oppresses your heart.

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grace, gospel, easter