If we’ve ever met for coffee in real life, you’ve heard me say, “I heard on a podcast once…” Podcasts just might be my love language.

I’ve wanted to start my own for years, but the timing never felt quite right. It wasn’t fear or lack of technical knowledge that stopped me from launching a podcast, something just felt off in my soul. About six months ago, I got serious about this whole Jill-will-host-a-podcast thing, and oh friends, how the fear and second-guessing set in. 

Who would actually listen to me? I’m not a big name or expert on anything. What would I even say that hasn’t already been said?

But the biggest doubt I wrestled with was: How can I tell if this is my ego or God’s prompting? 

And maybe you’ve felt this way too about a decision: you’re unsure if it’s your voice or God’s voice leading you to do something new, scary, and out of your comfort zone.

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embracing how you're wired, personality, podcast, enneagram

So how do you know whether to take the leap?

My life certainly hasn’t gotten more simple. I’m not more technically savvy than I was six months ago. I still have fear and doubts. So how did I know now was the time to launch? And how can you know when you should make a move toward a dream that’s rumbling in your heart?

Pay attention to what makes you come alive.

What makes you feel most like yourself isn’t an accident, but God’s grace to you. What you’re dreaming about, can’t stop brainstorming about, what tugs at your heart and won’t let go — that’s not to be dismissed.

So what makes you come alive? 

In her book, A Million Little Ways, Emily P. Freeman writes, “Could it be possible that the thing you most long for, the thing you notice and think about and wish you could do, is the thing you were actually made for and are equipped to do?” 

What if you and I weren’t quick to bury what God planted in us? What if your dream wasn’t your idea, but the dream God gave you to shine His light into the world? 

I come alive in a few ways: when I’m with my people, running outside, talking about Jesus, and encouraging other moms. My desire to speak to women about Jesus isn’t happenstance, but one way He’s chosen for me to bring Him glory. When I write and share about Jesus, I do the work that conforms me more and more to His image. 

My desire to speak isn’t a selfish ambition or vain pursuit, but the way God shines His light into the world. Perhaps there’s a dream in your heart that won’t go away because it’s how God wants to share Himself with others.

It’s okay if you don’t see a divine neon sign pointing the way. 

What you and I most want to hear when we want to be brave are very specific instructions from God (or someone!) on what to do, sometimes we’re simply given freedom. God gives you freedom and He loves it when you choose.

In his book All the Places to Go… How Will You Know?, John Ortberg writes, “God says, ‘I have set before you an open door,’ (Rev. 3:7-8) not ‘I have set before you a finished script.’”

Friend, God won’t let you miss out on what He has planned for you, and He’s with you no matter what direction you go.

While I would really like to open the Bible to the book of Jill 5:13 and read, “And when you get the idea to starteth a podcast, starteth the podcast. Thus sayeth the Lord,” that’s not how He works. 

Our dreams and plans may not require a divine neon sign because the dream in our heart is the direction God wants us to go. 

something new, is this the right decision?

Seek counsel.

What we may eschew is what we most truly need: counsel and advice from the people who know and love us best. While it may seem like the most intimidating step to take, telling others what big leap you want to take may be the most helpful. 

God tells us in Proverbs 15:22 that plans fail for lack of counsel. Friend, we don’t want failing plans, we want successful plans so let’s take the steps that lead us to God’s glory and our good.

Could it be that the people who you talk to, will not only listen but encourage you and speak truth over you? That they’ll speak words God gave them to speak to give you hope and joy and a renewed passion? God partners with His people and gives them words of encouragement, hope, and advice to share with others. What wisdom we forfeit when we don’t take our ideas to others for counsel

As I thought through and prayed about launching a podcast, I also asked other writers, podcasters, and friends for advice: Did they think this was a fit? Was this new idea in my wheelhouse? And y’all, they said yes! (Now if I had asked if they thought me starting my own Etsy business selling hand-painted jewelry they would have gently told me no.)

Hire a coach.

What you can’t figure out for yourself, you may need outside eyes to see. Sometimes we need someone with expertise in our field, who has navigated the road before us, to ask us good questions and share their perspective. 

A coach can help you define your goals, determine how you evaluate success and come up with a clear strategy to get where you need to go. What a gift to ask someone outside of your own head to walk you through a scary, exciting time!

I hired Christa Hutchins with Do A New Thing. Her questions were so insightful, her advice so grace-filled and direct, and her confidence in me so inspiring. I felt like yes, indeed, I could make the leap into podcasting. I just needed to decide I would do it. 


What we pass off as gathering information, researching, surveying, and strategizing, may — in some cases — be fear. Fear masks itself as prudence, due diligence, and common-sense. (And please know, I’m a fan of everything I just outlined here.) But sometimes all our planning and analyzing is just fear in sheep’s clothing. 

Try-hard girl, sometimes you just have to try. 

Try when it’s hard.

Try when you’re not an expert.

Try when you think you might fail.

Try that scary new thing when no one else is. 

God tells us in Psalm 62:2, “God alone is my safe place; His wrap-around presence always protects me. For He is my champion defender; there’s no risk of failure with God. So why would I let worry paralyze me, even when troubles multiply around me?” (TPT)

So I’m acting even when it’s hard, I’m not an expert, I might fail, and everyone else has a podcast. I’ll launch in the next six weeks or so. I’m scared, but I’m trusting that no matter what, God is holding my hand. He’s got this and He’s got me.

The same truths hold for you. 

So, take the big leap.

Friend, perhaps the next time we have coffee, you’ll quote my podcast back to me. Or maybe you won’t. Maybe only my mom will listen. And that’s okay because I listened to what makes me come alive and walked with God through the whole thing. 

And I pray the same for you friend: that you will go in grace and peace and act on what’s rumbling around in your heart. May you make that big scary leap holding God’s hand.

Friend, if you’d like to be a part of the podcast process, join my low-maintenance, high-fun podcast feedback Facebook group here. It all ends in February.

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am I making the right decision, how do i know if i'm doing the right thing?