The end of the school year brings on All the Feels. Maybe you cannot wait for the summer. Maybe this year feels particularly bittersweet. Maybe you feel guilty that you didn’t do enough. No matter how you feel, you’ll be showered with grace in this episode!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Which type of end-of-school-year mom you are 
  • And how to offer yourself grace during the craziest time of the year.

The four categories moms fall into at this time of year.

  1. The I’m-ready-but-feel guilty-that-I-didn’t-do-enough mom
  2. The end-of-the-year-feels-bittersweet mama
  3. The I-feel-pressured-to-make-up-for-a-crazy-2020-so-this-summer-must-be-the-best-summer-ever mom.
  4. And the I’m-so-ready-for-school-to-be-over-and-I’m-so-excited-about-summer mom

Key Quotes

  • It’s scary to let go, but remember the hands in whom you entrust your kids. 
  • Can you rest in the grace and truth that you may mess up, but the plans God has for your children will come to pass? 
  • If you feel emotional at the end of the year, just know your emotions are telling you what’s important in your life. 
  • You are human, which means you’re able to feel joy and sadness simultaneously, and you don’t need to put down one to hold the other.
  • Ask God for provision for today, knowing He specializes in beginnings and endings because He is the Alpha and Omega. 
  • Ask God for wisdom on what each child needs this summer and then ask your kids what they want out of the next 90 days. 
  • Rest in the grace and truth that God created the seasons and rhythms of productivity and presence, and that He wants you to enjoy this next season.

Mentioned in the Podcast

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end of school year, mom, motherhood end of school year, mom, motherhood end of school year, mom, motherhood end of school year, mom, motherhood end of school year, mom, motherhoodend of school year, mom, motherhood