Do you struggle to offer grace to your kids? 

Are you ready to level up your grace-giving game? Listen in for sustainable, realistic, kid-, teen-, and mom-approved methods to add a sprinkle more grace into your home. In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How God parents you with grace
  • How you can offer that same grace to your children
  • And one hard, but fail-proof way to be a grace-giving parent.

Ready for easy and practical ways to extend grace to your kids? Listen in to this second episode in our Grace in Parenting series.

Let’s start by understanding the five ways God offers you grace as He parents you. 

God parents you with grace through how He:

  1. Knows you
  2. Serves you,
  3. Listens to you,
  4. Speaks to you
  5. And acts to help you.

So how can you offer that same grace to your children?

The first way to offer your kids grace is to get to know them.

  1. Know what they love.
  2. Know what upsets them or stresses them out.
  3. Understand the timing: snack time, nap time, testing week, etc. 
  4. Know their love language.
  5. Know what’s in- and out-of-character for them.

The second way to offer your kids grace is to serve them.

  1. Ask them how you can pray for them.
  2. If running late, step into their jobs.
  3. Cover the little things during their busy weeks.
  4. Ask how you can help.

The third way to offer your kids grace is to listen to them.

  1. Don’t dismiss. 
  2. Ask questions to get to the heart of the issue. 
  3. Put the phone down. 
  4. Remember you don’t have to fix their situation, but you do need to listen.

The fourth way to offer your kids grace is to talk to them with gentleness.

  1. Cheer them on when you see them trying, even if they don’t move at the speed you’d like.
  2. Say “hello” before giving instructions.
  3. Don’t use sarcasm, passive-aggressiveness, guilt, or manipulation.

The fifth and final way to offer your kids grace is to act in love.

  1. Treat your children with respect.
  2. Ask for forgiveness when you mess up.
  3. Acknowledge their feelings.
  4. Ask your kids how you’ve hurt them in the past then give them permission to offload those hurts without growing defensive.

One hard, but fail-proof way to be a grace-giving parent

Know your story. 

  • What narratives were passed on to you by your own parents that maybe you’re acting out of by rote, but you don’t really agree with? 
  • What lies or wounds have you believed over the years that haven’t been dealt with, but are leaking out onto your kids?
  • What default coping mechanisms do you employ when you’re stressed that don’t serve you well?
  • How did God wire you? 

Key Quotes

  • A teachable heart is a heart God can work with. – Jill E. McCormick
  • May we be mothers who respect God’s specific wiring of our people. It’s okay if your kids are unlike anyone else in your tribe. – Jill E. McCormick
  • Give yourself and your children permission to live out what God has put in. – Jill E. McCormick
  • The grace that flows from Christ to you can flow from you to your children. – Jill E. McCormick

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