In today’s episode, we’ll remind ourselves of what is true about God and His try-hard girls — because let’s be honest — we have so much information, data, and commentary out there we forget which end is up.

So if you’re struggling with decisions — big ones or small — you’re in the right place because today we will remind ourselves of what is true.


As states and cities re-open, we have even more decisions to make: 

  • Do we reschedule the family vacation? 
  • And if so, when?
  • Will the kids even start school in the fall?
  • Should I send our daughters to camp? There won’t be any social distancing… so is that safe? Am I putting our girls at risk by sending them to day camp?
  • And what about play dates? Is their mental health or physical health more important? Should I chance planning lunch in the driveway of a friend? Or is that too risky?
  • How can I save money right now when things feel so tight?
  • Do I need to wear a mask because it’s not required? Some medical professionals say it’s pointless while others say it’s critical to flattening the curve so which one is true?  
  • Am I ready for our family to go back to church or does it feel too soon? 
  • How much screen time is too much? 


We want to be a responsible, prudent, good mom, but we hear conflicting information, receive subtle cues from friends about our choices, and are just plain tired from making eleventy million decisions an hour. 


As we have more options available to us, we feel:

  • Anxious
  • Excited
  • Scattered
  • Stressed
  • Confused
  • Guilty
  • And as one friend said, “weird.”


There’s a teeny part of us that wishes someone would just tell us what to do or make the decision for us by closing things down so we’d have one less decision to make and one less person to disappoint.

So before our brains continue to spiral, let’s remind ourselves of what is true about God and what is true about ourselves:

  1. The truth is that God is your Heavenly Father. 
  2. The truth is that God is your Good Shepherd. 
  3. The truth is that God is omnipotent and good.
  4. The truth is that God is all about wide open spaces.
  5. The fifth and final truth is that God is practical.


We are all little girls at heart, who want to know that there is someone who will protect us, fight for us, stand up for us, want what’s best for us, run to us when we feel scared and alone, look us in the face and tells us we are together — in all of it, and never give up on us. 

We have that someone. You have that someone.

His name is Jesus. 

He is so crazy about you and is so thankful that you are His. He is delighted He made you and your mind that thinks, observes, analyzes, plans, strategizes, and wonders.

He looks upon your heart that wants to get it right, that wants to please her big Father God, and who knows there is a good way and wants to take it. 

He looks at you and is well pleased. 


Key Quotes

You are God’s girl and you don’t have to walk through any of this alone.

You can throw the weight of all you are and every decision you make on the weight of your Father. 

We need a God who is both all-powerful and all-good and that is who God is. 

You are not alone. Your Shepherd is with you, behind you, beside you, and within you. 


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decision-making, making decisions, grace, real life, podcast decision-making, making decisions, grace, real life, podcastdecision-making, making decisions, grace, real life, podcast

decision-making, making decisions, grace, real life, podcast