We’re going to take a minute to process what we’re feeling and how God meets us right where we are. In this episode, we give language to what’s floating around in our brains.

So for the next twenty minutes, we will imagine we are sitting at my kitchen table together, talking through:

  • What we’ve learned about ourselves during this season
  • How God is here even in the midst of all this crazy-town,
  • And practical ways to break out of the “blah” we’re in.

What is going on beneath the surface? 

I’ve found in my own life that when I name what’s going on, I get clarity, freedom, and a path to move forward. 

Let’s process this time through the lens of grace. Let’s talk about what’s rumbling around in our hearts so we can see God at work.

I’ve landed on ten truths about us try-hard girls after reading and thinking through all you’ve shared with me on Facebook, talking to my friends over the phone, and asking Jesus about what’s going on in our hearts. 

Truth # 1- You are carrying the weight of so many worries. 

The pandemic gave us a coat of worry to wear all day, every day. We are a people who carry responsibility in our hearts, in our shoulders, and in our thoughts. 

And our weaknesses fit perfectly with God’s strength. He tells us in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast our cares on Him, so what does this look like in real life? 

We will always have worries. Always. So the question we need to ask is not, “How can I live a worry-free life?” The question is: “Who will carry the weight of the worries: me or Jesus?”

So what do you do to break out of the “blah” of worries? How can you practically work through this with grace? 

  1. Don’t beat yourself up for having worries.
  2. Keep taking your worries back to Christ. As many times as necessary.
  3. Talk to someone — your spouse, a counselor, a friend. If the weight is too much, get help! 


Truth #2- You are ready for something to look forward to.

It feels like you’re living Groundhog Day, doesn’t it?!? The pandemic has outfitted us with the uniform of the same day that we live over and over and over. 

We are a people made for joy. And our desire for something to look forward to fits perfectly with God’s design for us. God created us for joy. 

So what do you do to break out of the “blah” of not having something to look forward to? How can you practically work through this with grace? 

  1. Ask God to allow you to see the joy He’s made available to you today. 
  2. Give thanks, which gives you the eyes to see the good gifts God has given you. A full pantry. Healthy kids. School options. A job. People who love you. Church. Small group. Beautiful flowers out your back door. A sunrise. 
  3. Make a bucket list of fun things you’d like to do — and are able to do — as a family. I know, setting up the slip-n-slide isn’t as much fun as the trip to DisneyWorld, but it breaks up the day and gives you and your kids something to look forward to!


Truth #3- You really want to see people, but you feel anxious about it.

Your heart is ready to see people, hug people, stand within 6-feet of people, high-five people, and belt out a song at church with other people. 

But then, you’re like, “I’m not ready for that. It’s too soon.”

The pandemic has shown you how much you love seeing people in person, but it’s brought out a fear of getting too close.

We are a people who are made for community. And our desire for people fits perfectly with how God wired us.

So what do you do to break out of the “blah” of not seeing people? How can you practically work through this with grace? 

You show up in imperfect ways to be with your people.

You show up on Zoom even when you hate staring at yourself and worrying about your lighting + background.

You participate in the drive-by birthday party.

You gather outside in the heat in someone’s back yard and stand 6-feet apart.

You pick up the phone and call your best friend.

You build your own Quaranteam.

But you always, always, always show up.

Truth #4- You are frustrated by the length of the pandemic and/or the whole “stop-start” vibe.

The pandemic has brought out our need to know what’s going on and to have all the information. 

We are a people who do not do well with gaps in information. Instead, we seek end dates, clarity, and truth. And our desire for understanding fits perfectly with God’s character.

So what do you do to break out of the “blah” of frustration? How can you practically work through this with grace?

  1. Practice the art of holding your plans loosely.
  2. Ask God for the endurance you need to absorb another set-back, closure, or change. When you want to throw in the towel and raise the white flag, ask Jesus for the grace you need in the moment.


Truth #5- You are numbing out through stress eating.

As our anxiety increases — and believe me, it is increasing! — we are stress eating. In the full spirit of disclosure, I wrote this podcast episode with a Ghiradelli chocolate bar within arms’ length. 

The pandemic reveals how much you crave comfort and normalcy.

We are a people who need and seek support. And our inclination for relief and peace fits perfectly with God’s nature as the God of all comfort.

So what do you do to break out of the “blah” of numbing out? How can you practically work through this with grace?

  1. Don’t beat yourself up for wanting to numb out. You want to numb out because you’re in pain so be kind and gentle.
  2. Observe yourself. When do you numb out? Is it a time of day? Is it when your kids are fighting? Is it when you need to make a decision?
  3. Pause before you reach for the bag of Skittles, your phone, or the remote. 
  4. Ask Jesus to help you find more pleasure and comfort in Him than anywhere else. Ask Him to help you desire to seek His kingdom first. Ask Him to show you in your right-now life what it looks like to abide in Him.
  5. Also, listen to Episode #22 of the podcast where integrative wellness expert Rebekah Fedrowitz unpacks emotional eating for us. 


Friend, at the end of the day, I don’t know all the ways this pandemic is impacting you. 

I don’t know all your hurts and victories. I don’t know all the hard nights and the celebrations. 

But I do know God specifically designed you to need Him in the ways only He can fill. Sure, we try other ways to meet our needs and fix our hurts, but only Jesus can satisfy, heal, restore, and guide.

Do not let this hard season go by without leaning into Him. You don’t have to do this pandemic-thing perfectly. You just keep looking at Him. A successful quarantine, a successful life, a successful day, looks like obeying God alone. 

Key Quotes

  • God specifically designed you to need Him in the ways only He can fill. 
  •  A successful quarantine, a successful life, a successful day, looks like obeying God alone. 
  • The question we need to ask is not, “How can I live a worry-free life?” The question is: “Who will carry the weight of the worries: me or Jesus?”
  • Ask God for the endurance you need to absorb another set-back, closure, or change.
  • You want to numb out because you’re in pain so be kind and gentle with yourself by turning to Jesus.
  • When your heart starts pounding, start pounding on God’s door.


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Grace, worry, brain fatigue, stress, numbing outGrace, worry, brain fatigue, stress, numbing out

Grace, worry, brain fatigue, stress, numbing out

Grace, worry, brain fatigue, stress, numbing outGrace, worry, brain fatigue, stress, numbing out Grace, worry, brain fatigue, stress, numbing outGrace, worry, brain fatigue, stress, numbing out